Station Tours

Station Tours

We invite you and your family to tour the fire station at 555 Washington Street. Please stop by and visit us between the hours of 8am and 5pm. If you have a larger group, then please call us a few days in advance to make arrangements.

If you would like the fire department to conduct fire extinguisher or fire safety demonstrations at the station or at your place of employment, then please call us for arrangements.

We very much look forward to your visit. Please do not hesitate to stop by or call us for more information at (530) 527-1126.
T-4AAThe view from 105 feet in the air on Truck 1 is quite spectacular, but don't worry---this is not included in the typical fire station tour!What is included is a walk-through of the fire station---see where our firefighters sleep, eat, and work. And check out those fire trucks!